Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Hallowe'en Heist episodes have had such an impact on my own personal pop culture that I cannot refer to Hallowe'en any longer without dramatically exclaiming, "It's Hallowe'eeeeeeeeeeen!" as Jake does on the party bus in the ... third? (I clearly need to rewatch them all.) This year's heist, as strong as the first and fourth (my personal favourites), is another fantastic take on a unique plot premise the showrunners originally decided to dispense of after season 3.
And to set the tone for what was to come - a more competitive heist than ever before - a hilarious cold open that is arguably the best of the season so far. It shows us Jake and Amy's competitive pillow talk as Jake wakes on the morning of Hallowe'en, and they vie to be the one who is more prepared for this year's heist - only for Holt to have snuck in, ate Jake's pre-prepared egg breakfast and shocked them both.
Following the opening theme, the show swiftly moved on to the pre-heist trash-talking and then the set-up. This year, a cummerbund would be suspended from the bullpen ceiling in plain view of all present, and the winner would be the human who had it in his/her possession come midnight. Naturally, the cummerbund remained in this elevated position for a very short period of time, with Jake getting the heist underway by re-hiring Bill, the Boyle look-a-like from season 4's heist, to crawl through the air vents, steal the cummerbund in total blackness and then make a video call pretending to be Gina.
And from that point onwards, hell was unleashed (proper hell, not that fake hell Holt dragged Boyle into last year). It was every man for himself (bar The Tramps - a trio of the three main characters yet to win a heist: Boyle, Terry and Rosa) amid shady business dealings ("And this one is a sworn affidavit stating that you have seen Debbie Stubbleman, the wife of Nutriboom founder David Stubbleman, and that you found her to be happy, healthy and alive"), look-a-like dogs and furtive GPS trackers.
Everyone was involved, and everyone seemed to have either designed or manipulated part of someone else's heist plan, which worked perfectly to engage me in the episode more so than prior episodes (at least the first three), where we only expected two participants. It also helped conceal that final twist: that Jake had planned all of this to elaborately propose to Amy.
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Jake proposes to Amy Image: FOX |
It's a little to the show's discredit that the show is so joke-heavy I couldn't take the proposal scene seriously until it was over. I was just waiting for the penny to drop that this was another scheme for Jake to win the heist, even after he assured Amy it wasn't. But it wasn't. And after a brain-melting, high-pace episode until this point, that sudden slowing down into a heartfelt emotional moment was not only welcome, but a great emotional tug. (Of course, Boyle ruined it, and not for the first time. It's just not necessary.)
A mazy, spellbinding episode of twists, turns, wandering loyalties and a male prostitute turned pyramid schemer closed in the comfortingly warm manner that every heist episode ends: all the characters gathered at some established venue, partying, offering their celebrations to the victor - or in this case, the engaged couple.
Let's just hope Jake doesn't end up back in prison before the wedding.
RATING: Considering this is likely to be the final heist episode as the show's ratings dwindle, it had the most perfect, surprise ending. I'll give it a perfect 10/10
- Holt must have been desperate to psych out Jake and Amy. Eating Jake's egg breakfast? I seem to remember him chastising Amy for suggesting eggs were an acceptable breakfast food.
- "Bingpot". It might have taken me until now to realise, but I think this is a Heist-only punchline.
- I don't care what anyone says, Bill the male-prostitute-turned-pyramid-schemer stole this episode.
- "I'm always gonna be one step ahead of you, Jake. You've lost the ability to surprise me. You're just. Plain. Boring." And right after that Jake proposes. Seems he surprised you there, Ames.
- How. God. Damn. Cute. Was the moment Jake decided to propose?
- But does anyone still kinda wish someone had won the heist? I do.
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